5 More Foods You Should Never Eat If You Want 6 Pack Abs On a quest to get 6 pack abs? If so, you absolutely must be watching what you’re...
5 More Foods You Should Never Eat If You Want 6 Pack Abs
On a quest to get 6 pack abs? If so, you absolutely must be watching what you’re including in your diet on a day to day basis. While the goal of obtaining that firm, flat, and defined stomach may seem like one that requires you to attack your home workouts, if the truth is told, it’s more of a dietary effort than anything.
Understanding which foods will help and which will only hinder your progress is going to be part of the game for success. Let’s walk you through five of the top six pack ab diet offenders so you know which to ban from the playing field.
Energy Drinks First up are energy drinks. If you reach for these when you need a quick fix throughout the day, you are going to be in for problems.
Energy drinks are full of sugars unless you’re purchasing the sugar-free varieties, in which case they’ll contain a high dose of artificial sweeteners.
Either way you look at it, these aren’t optimal for your body. Unless you’re exercising for hours a day, you just don’t need an energy drink to get you by.
Go for Green tea if you need a bit of natural energy from the caffeine it contains.
Protein Bars
Next, protein bars also need to get the boot. While you may think you’re doing right since they’ll provide you some high quality protein, look at the sugar content in that protein bar you chow down mid-afternoon.Chances are it’s just as high as what you’d find in a chocolate bar – if not higher.
If you need protein, opt for a protein shake instead and serve a banana or another piece of fruit with it.
Commercially Prepared Sauces
Do you whip up a stir-fry in the evening thinking the meat-veggie combo is going to help you reach your goals faster?If so, think about what you’re putting on that stir-fry. If you happen to be using a commercially prepared sauce of some sort (Teriyaki, sweet and sour, Pad Thai, or otherwise), you could easily be adding at least a couple hundred calories to that dish, not to mention a load of sugar as well.
Instead, try using a bit of heart-healthy olive oil, fresh herbs or sodium free spices, and if you really need to, a bit of low-sodium soy sauce with your stir-fry.
Pre-Prepared Meats
Another food variety to watch out for is the pre-prepared meats on the market. This includes seasoned chicken breasts, pre-made ribs, or breaded fish cutlets.Whenever you choose your protein source, you want to choose it in the most natural state possible. This ensures no added ingredients are in that meat that could put a dent in your six pack ab progress.
Remember that the more natural your diet is, the faster you are going to move towards your goals.
Bran Cereal
Think you’re starting your day off right by opting for a bran cereal? If so, you may want to think again. Many bran cereals actually contain more sugar than you’d realize and in addition to that, they’re also loaded with sodium.If you want to make sure you stay lean and move forward with your progress, start your day off with a bowl of oatmeal. It’s a far more superior cereal to consume.