
Beginners workout routine =)

Beginners workout routine Your first step on a way of muscle building is choosing beginners workout routine which definite your training...

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5 Most Beneficial Kettlebell Exercises 3/5
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Beginners workout routine

Your first step on a way of muscle building is choosing beginners workout routine which
definite your training activity for 6 months.  Doesn’t matter what you are  going  to get.
Want body is admirable by  girls or just want to correct you life by made it healthy. The
first steps on all these directions are the same. Your beginners workout routine
choosing.  There are a lot of features make all of us different. I mean  such things as
genetic, age and even hopes. That is why the result  will be differ too.

Recommendations on muscle building  for beginners
The success will not come to you quickly. You should understand it clearly. Muscle
building is very long process. It takes years to get a visible changes. That is why you
shouldn’t aim yourself at grandiose result.  By this way you will preserve yourself from
the unnecessary frustrations. The main thing is not to get quick gains from your
beginners workout but to get  REGULAR  gains, from month to month, from year to year.

A good start for beginners
By starting training do not hurry up to put yourself a mark. Progress from your
beginners  workout routine, in many aspects, depends on your  experience.  This
program is made to give you experience during the shortest time.

Time of  huge results still ahead. In any case, remember: you
deal with biosynthesis ( muscular cages growth). That is why muscle building takes
times. The success is predetermined by patience and  purposefulness.

Beginners workout
I believe, that beginners workout routine should be easy. Just because your muscles are
not ready to workout correctly yet. What does it mean? It means the more heavy weights
you use, the less benefit for muscle tissue. The main goal of beginners must be to
master  the correct techniques on all the workout exercises.  It is difficult to understand,
especially  for beginners, how important proper form of exercise workout and how it’s
important for muscle building. But if you accept this rule from beginning you will get
plenty of muscles in future. My friend, don’t worry about using heavy weights in you first
workout routine. Actually, keeping weighs light is more comfortable and useful for

Weights and “mind to muscle  connection”

When you start to build muscles do not use the exercises and workouts of advanced athletes.
Most  beginners mimic  a workout routine found in bodybuilding magazines. By doing this is
mistaken.    Your goal should be to feel the muscle group is working. You must think  about
the future. The good technique is key for continual growth by “mind to muscle  connection”.
When you use weights light enough so that you feel muscle working out.  However if you
rushing to get big by pushing more weights your attention would taken off feeling muscles.
By doing this you will never be able to both “feel” and “push” the weighs  at the same time.

Understand me correctly, The  principle of  weights overload is the most important
muscle building principle but you will never earned on it without  “mind to muscle
connection”. You can free by adding  weights from week to week, but don’t jump up in
weight too drastically.


Before starts training you have to understand few general workout   principles
considered to muscle building. It is very important to follow them and understand how
your beginners workout is arranged.

Diligence is the mother of succes
Consecutive workout rutine::::::
For muscle building you have to workout every muscle (back, chest, arms etc.)
separately. This technique work better than others. It means that if you begin workout
chest , you have to complete it and only than begin workout next muscle
group.  Sometimes bodybuilders workout by so-called  “a circular method”, when you do
many exercise to train each muscle one behind another, almost without Rest. Such way
remarkably trains cardiovascular system and raises muscular endurance but not
muscle strength or muscle gains.

The quantity  of times you lift  a weight in one set of an workout exercise.   If
you lift  a workout weight 8 times , it means that you have completed 8
“reps”; in this set. First six months use light weights and make 8-12 reps. Scientific
researches say that the fastest result to muscle building gives workouts  with weight of
70 % from 1RM (one repetition maximum).  The majority bodybuilders can do with such
weight 8-12  Repetitions. Though for muscle building is important to follow this number
of repetitions.

Sets in beginners workout
When you lifting and lowering a weight, you perform few reps  of an exercise after which you have a brief
rest period. This group of reps is named one set. For example, if you perform 10 repetitions, have rest one minute , complete edditional eight
more reps, again 1 minute rest, and perform for six more reps, you have performed
three workout sets of the exercise.  The set is a series of repetitions (Group of reps ) of  exercise
after which you take a brief rest period.  If bodybuilder made 12 repetitions, set the
weight down, made ten more repetitions, set the weight down again, and repeat for eight
more repetitions, than he  has completed three sets of the exercise. Beginner workout
consider use one “worm up”  set (a set with light weight that allows for 20 reps) per each
workout exercise and two “working” sets.

Repetition Velocity
Speed of repetition, cadence, or time under tension
As shows researches, moderate speed gives  us the best  result for build muscles.
Bodybuilders use such formula of speed:

==Tempo Training Shorthand (seconds==

  • 2 point tempo
    # Example: 3/2
    # Eccentric / Concentric
  • 3 point tempo
    # Example: 3/0/2
    # Eccentric / Stretched / Concentric
  • 4 point tempo
    # Example: 3/0/2/1
    # Eccentric / Stretched / Concentric / Contracted
Rest Between  Sets and Exercises workout
Generally speaking, rest must be sufficient for recuperation before the next set. Usually
it needs  45-90 seconds. Large muscles are recuperated longer, then  small ones.

Volume (Sets and Reps Range)  for beginners
If you just begin muscle building, you needn’t huge amount of workout exercises for each
parte of your body.  Training is something unknown and foreign for you body. That is
why,  one – two sets of one – two exercises for each muscle group would be enough for
beginners to completely work the area.

Exercises (Compound and Isolated)
The best  beginners workout exercises are called  compound (basic) exercises.  They are
the strongest ones. In every basic exercise workout few muscles, as a rule. Look at the
shoulders Front Presses. This exercise is excellent developer of the front and side
deltoids. But working muscles are shoulders (deltoids) and triceps together.  Isolated
exercise (one muscle working) for shoulders is dumbbell  raises. Basic exercises  build
more muscles then isolated. Such compound exercises as  squats, deadlifts,  bench
presses  will greatly  enhance your beginners workout routine.

There are a lot of exercises for muscle building in the list.  They are the same for
beginners to advanced muscle builders. Different only total amount of sets, required rest
between workouts and the weights. To build muscles fast you have to use only a few.

Frequency (number times a muscle group is trained per unit time)
It needs  48 hours minimum  for  full body recuperation  and muscle building. It can
take more times if you advanced bodybuilder, because muscle size.   Remember such
rule:  If you feel pain in muscles  you aren’t ready for next workout yet.

Amazing fact is beginners can workout every muscle group more often, then an
advanced bodybuilder.  They do it and grow, because use really light weights in order to
learn theirs muscles “understand” working stress.  Every beginner must attempt to feel
muscle being worked. Turn off your ego in gym. Do not impress girls by using poundage
that is too heavy for you.

Beginners workout routine Prescription
We will consider it later
Now Just look example:

Sets x Rep Range
3 x 6-12

Sets x Reps x Resistance
3 x 6-12 x 110 kg

Sets x Relative Workload
3 x 70% 1 RM

Beginners workout routine (splits)
O.k. Enough of the words. Let’s start now. There are a lot of  exercise n workouts   for
beginners. I give the best one. You should start slowly, working the entire  body three times
weekly using light weights,  The beginners workout routine may look  like this one:

3 day a week  workout routine(workout 3 days per week or every other day)
Day 1    –rest–Day 2    workout
Day 3    –rest–
Day 4    workout
Day 5    –rest–
Day 6    workout
Day 7    –rest–
Day 8    workout

workout routine for beginners
You see, I begin not to workout  routine but to  rest time. It isn’t mistake. Muscles do not
grow while you are  working out; they grow while you are resting. It is obviously for pros but
not for beginners.

2 exercises for big muscles: back, legs and chest
1 exercise for little ones: shoulders, biceps and triceps

1 worm up set per each workout exercise
2 “working” sets of  8-12 reps
Worm up set: a set with light weight that allows for 20 reps.Working set: a set with added weight that allows for 8-12 reps, yet light enough where
you could  perform 12 or more reps. Do all sets by yourself, without helping.

Beginners workout schedule
And now let’s look at workout schedule.
Remember, you train all body three days weekly
(for example: you do this every Monday, Wednesday and Friday)

LegssquatsLeg extension1×20 + 2×8-121×20 + 2×8-12
Back PulldownsLow cable rows1×20 + 2×8-121×20 + 2×8-12
Chest incline bench pressIncline dumbbell press1×20 + 2×8-121×20 + 2×8-12
Shoulders Front presses1×20 + 2×8-12
Biceps standing curls1×20 + 2×8-12
Triceps Pushdowns1×20 + 2×8-12
CalvesStanding Raises1×20 + 2×8-20
If you are beginner, than you need 6 months to workout by this program. This time
needs to master form and get right “feel” for each exercise.

beginners workout schedule
After beginner will master techniques and feeling of muscles, as I have told before, usually it
is takes about 6 months, beginner will be ready for the advanced workout routine.
During this time you will learn a lot of new about the muscles, about main factors of
muscle building, about nutrition and supplementation programs.

Why have you decided to build your muscles?
The most obvious answer  is  to look great. But, besides it, bodybuilding gives us a lot of
other important advantages:

  • Do you more strongly
  • Make your heart and vessels stronger
  • Develops flexibility
  • Raises energy
  • Make bones stronger
  • Learn  concentrate
  • Slows down ageing
  • Raises immunity
  • Raises a potentiality
  • Help to lose weight
  • Removes stresses
It is all aboute beginners workout. But let me  tell few  words.
Now you in the beginning of the long way.  I am glad your decision to make fitness.  You
desire  become more attractive, and  have a beautiful figure is great. I hope, you will get
it. And I hope you understand iron and it becomes your friend and the partner in life. It
is a good friend. You will comprehend its secret and begin ask questions. The most
important thing in this long way – patience.  Also remember, never late to begin

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workout routine and diet plan: Beginners workout routine =)
Beginners workout routine =)
workout routine and diet plan
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