
How To Use Carbs Correctly For Fat Loss

How To Use Carbs Correctly For Fat Loss Looking to get lean and shredded ? Or, maybe you aren’t quite there yet and would simply sett...

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How To Use Carbs Correctly For Fat Loss

Looking to get lean and shredded? Or, maybe you aren’t quite there yet and would simply settle for a hint of six pack abs poking through. Whatever the case, you’ve likely been exposed to the ‘low carb diet’ mantra which pretty much states that all carbs should be avoided if you hope to see optimal fat loss results from your diet plan.
But is this really the case?
Must you say so-long to all your high-carb favorites? While certain high carb foods (that pizza you eat with your friends on Friday night or the morning bagel you like to wake up to) will likely have to get the boot from your diet plan for at least the time being, you certainly can include some carbohydrate rich foods in your menu if you plan wisely.
Let’s look at how to use carbs correctly for fat loss.

Calculate Your Requirements

The very first thing that you absolutely must do is plan your carbohydrate intake properly. If you just try and eat the ‘right’ carbs with no attention paid to the volume that you’re eating, you are headed for disaster.
Nothing is going to be more important when it comes to fat loss than achieving the right calorie balance, so this needs to be first and foremost on your priority list.
Remember that carbohydrates are not an essential nutrient, therefore there are no set requirements for them like there is with the protein you eat.
When setting up your diet, the order of steps you should take is to first pinpoint your target calorie intake (which will be around 11-12 cals/pound of body weight for most active people), and then figure out your protein intake (1-1.2 grams/pound of body weight). Remember that protein has four calories per gram.
Now from there, you know how many calories you have left to fill between carbohydrate and fat rich foods.
Fats should be at least 25% of your calorie intake (at 9 calories per gram), so you can make sure you have at least the minimums set.
Think about whether you feel better eating more carbs or more fats and use that to dictate just how many carbohydrates you add to the meal plan total.

Time The Energy Dense Carbs Right

Now that you have your carbohydrate requirements set out, you need to time those energy dense ones correctly. For best results, eat the complex carbohydrates right around the workout period.
This is when your body is going to require that fuel, so when you’re more likely to use it effectively. Eating energy dense carbs and then sitting on the couch all night while you watch the game isn’t exactly making good use of that energy.
Make sure that these carbohydrates are as natural as possible as well. This means the less processing they have been through, the better.

Load Up On Fibrous Carbs

Finally, the rest of your carbohydrates for fat loss should come from fibrous sources including all the vegetables.
These are really ideal for those on fat loss diets because of the fact they will provide so few calories for the volume of food you get to eat and they are virtually the most nutrient packed foods on the planet.
While some men in particular tend to shun vegetables if they’re preference is more of a ‘meat and potatoes’ type of diet, it’s time to really focus on getting them in.
It definitely will make or break the results that you see.
So there you have your guide to eating carbs for fat loss. If you choose them wisely, they’ll help not hinder your progress.

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workout routine and diet plan: How To Use Carbs Correctly For Fat Loss
How To Use Carbs Correctly For Fat Loss
workout routine and diet plan
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