
From Skinny Fat to Ripped And Muscular : Logan Clark

Age: 17 years old Height: 5`10 Weight: 172 pounds 1. What inspired you to get into fitness? I got into fitness after my freshman year of hig...

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Age: 17 years old
Height: 5`10
Weight: 172 pounds

1. What inspired you to get into fitness?

I got into fitness after my freshman year of high school. I played football and always was picked on because of my size. I was 5’10 like I am now but i weighed 115 pounds. Not only was I picked on because of my size, but also my strength. So after getting some advice from my dad on working out I started hitting the gym a few times a week and started noticing some promising results. After that it just kind of became an addiction. The gym was about 2 miles from my house. School was also 2 miles from my house. Everyday I would walk to school, walk home, walk to the gym, than walk home again for dinner. The gym was a priority just like homework and sports.

2. What was your exercise routine like?

My exercise routine is really based around Intensity. When I go into the gym I usually sit down for a few minutes, watch a motivational video or two, and prepare for what I’m about to do. A lot of people see working out as a time to talk and have fun. Unfortunately I see it as the opposite; if I am enjoying myself at the gym than I am not making the most of my time there. I workout for the results, not the experience. I will add double super sets to all my workouts if I have to just to make sure I’m trying hard enough. With that being said I usually try to get in the gym 6 days a week if not 7. I don’t usually do to much cardio just because I naturally put on lean muscle.


3. What is your diet like?

My diet is definitely one of the more extreme ones. In the morning I will have 2 cups of oatmeal, 2 hard boiled eggs, Greek yogurt and granola, a banana, an apple, and a few clementines. After that I have 4 ounces of chicken breast along with 4 ounces of brown rice about 4 or 5 times throughout my day. In the mess of all that I throw in a few protein shakes and a lot more fruit. The main thing I focus on beside my macronutrients is my water intake. Make sure you drink lots of water. Not only does is make you look more full, but hydrated muscles function better!
4. Any mistakes you made during the whole process
I definitely made some mistakes in the process. To start with I never ate right. I would eat maybe 2 real meals a day. Everything else was candy and apple juice. Also every time I went into the gym I would workout the same body parts which was biceps, triceps, and chest. I did that everyday for about a year until I figured out that a well rounded physique looks better. After i incorporated legs into my routine the pounds really started packing on. Probably the biggest mistake I made was expecting bodybuilder like results. I was always convinced that I would like like Ronnie Coleman by senior year. As a result of these high expectations I was constantly abusing my body by either doing to much weight on an exercise or going over board with the supplements. I had to realize that I would make gains with time and effort.

Front Double Bicep

5. Recommendation for people who want to get into shape just like you.

I wish somebody would have really talked me through all the aspects of bodybuilding before I started. If I could give advice to people aspiring to be fit and look good I would tell them first things first, get into good eating habits. Your body absorbs whatever you give it so give it healthy nutrients. Next, don’t set your goals to high or low. Instead think of what you could reasonably look like in maybe 6 months time after eating right and training hard. And last always remember that intensity is the result. If you aren’t training hard, if your having fun during a workout, if your talking to your buddies for 10 minutes In-between sets, than there is no reason for you to be in a gym. Make working out something that you despise, but also something that will give you that body that you desire. “Pain is temporary”, but those results will stay with you.

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workout routine and diet plan: From Skinny Fat to Ripped And Muscular : Logan Clark
From Skinny Fat to Ripped And Muscular : Logan Clark
workout routine and diet plan
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