The question everybody is asking here is "how can I get six pack abs"? This is true especially for men as it is much more diffi...
question everybody is asking here is "how can I get six pack abs"?
This is true especially for men as it is much more difficult for men to
get a six pack abs as compare to the women. Most f
at are stored around men's abdominal areas whereas it is deposited in women's bum predominantly. That is why women are much easier to get a six pack than men. The storage area of fat is God's designed and we can do nothing about that but what we can do is to burn off all those excess fats across our mid section area and do some abdominal exercises to get our all craving super hero six pack abs that we love to have.
at are stored around men's abdominal areas whereas it is deposited in women's bum predominantly. That is why women are much easier to get a six pack than men. The storage area of fat is God's designed and we can do nothing about that but what we can do is to burn off all those excess fats across our mid section area and do some abdominal exercises to get our all craving super hero six pack abs that we love to have.
Eat a healthy diet
Before me go into the fat burning routine, there is a more crucial
thing that we have to get use to so that we can achieve our six pack
goal in a much easier manner. The old saying of "we are what we eat"
really has some truth in it. If we dream of having a six pack abs while
still insist on swallowing the oily cheese burgers, creamy chicken pie,
succulent deep fried chicken wings, the ever popular double cheese
pepperoni pizza and the saliva dripping BBQ pork chop topple with cream
soda and ice float root beer, well I think we aren't getting anywhere
near to that washboard abs that we so wanted to have. What you need
here is to cut down all the fatty foods and substitute them with a high
fiber, low calories and lean meat diet. Eat plenty of vegetables and
fruits. Consume white meat like fish and chicken instead of the more
fatty red meat like beef and lamb. Use the healthier olive oil in your
daily cooking instead of butter. Try steaming your food instead of
frying them to cut down on the oil usage. Cut down on sugar intake,
substitute white sugar with brown sugar. Take the unprocessed brown
rice rather than the clean white rice. Eat whole-wheat or whole meal
bread instead of the white ones. Brown rice and whole meal breads
contain more fibers which is good for your body. Take high fiber snacks
instead of the normal ones. Do the same with biscuits and
confectioneries to experience a healthier living. Drink water instead of
beer, coke or syrups. Our body needs at least 8 glasses of water each
day so that the system within our body can function efficiently. Take
smaller 5-6 meals instead of 3 nig meals a day.
Exercise Regime
Next we are going to look into the exercise part that will going to
get us a six pack abs. We can start off by doing sit ups. Do 20 reps
of sit ups as warm up. Then rest 30 seconds and continue to do 4 sets
of 20 reps with a 30 seconds rest interval between each sets. You can
start off doing this 100 reps sit ups exercise on alternate days to
build a solid mid section base. After 4 to 6 weeks you can do this sit
up exercise on a daily basis. Sit ups target the upper abdominal
muscles predominantly so in order to get a more balance six pack abs,
you need to incorporate leg raise to target the lower abdominal muscles.
You can do this exercise by sitting on the edge of a couch with both
hands planted firmly beside your hips, holding the couch. Raise both
your legs, bending them while you move them towards your chest. The
lower them back to the original position, without touching the floor and
move back up and repeat the process. Do 20 reps and rest 30 seconds as
per the sit up exercise until 100 reps have been completed. Next you
need to exercise your side oblique muscles which are the muscles beside
your six packs abs. You can target these side abdominals by doing
alternate bicycle kicks. Lie on the floor face up, bend your legs
slightly with both your arms behind your head. Raise your right elbow
and left knee until the touch each other. Lower them down and do the
same with the left elbow and right knee. Do 20 reps for each sides and
rest 30 seconds then repeat until you completed 100 reps.
Abs Definition
It is useless if you only train your abs muscles but you ignoring the
layer of fats covering it. You can tell people you've got six packs and
they will tell you, yes six in one abs you got there! What you need to
do is to burn off the layer of fat covering your wash board abs. The
way to do it is to do cardio exercise to burn off that excess fat. Do
20-30 minutes of stationary bike each day to sweat off those irritating
lipid cells that covering your six packs. You can alternate the bike
session day with jogging or aerobics classes if you wants some variety
in your exercise. The main thing is to get a 20-30 minutes of cardio
exercise each day to melt that stubborn fat cells off your abdominals!
Be sure to drink a lot of water as you can get dehydrated with the
amount of water loss through your excessive sweating. Bear in mind that
besides doing cardio exercise, you must be strict to follow the diet
that I have suggested above. If not all your hard work each day will go
into the drain as no self discipline will only make the fatty cells
come back to hibernate around your abdominal wall! Whereas if you can
get past yourself, discipline wise, then I am sure that elusive six pack
abs will be yours to keep for sure and you will indeed enjoy a good
health, fitness and life!