Triceps is a three headed muscle consisting of long head,medial head and the lateral head muscles.It is the largest muscle in the human arm...
Triceps is a three headed muscle consisting of long head,medial head and
the lateral head muscles.It is the largest muscle in the human arms
contributing 70% or 2/3 rd of the overall arm size.The triceps muscles
are used in almost every activity which we do by our arms.Tricep muscle
is responsible for elbow joint movements,bringing the arm down and arm
extensions.Most beginners forget about triceps and keep on developing
their biceps.They think that to get huge arms we should train only
biceps.But this concept is totally wrong.It is not bicep muscle that
contributes 70% to the overall arm size.Tricep muscles make the most of
the arm size.
2/3 of Tricep Muscles + 1/3 of Bicep Muscles = Overall arm size
You can't neglect triceps exercises while training in a gym to get huge arms fast.Train your triceps atleast 2 times per week and mostly perform free weight triceps exercises including compound exercises.Compound tricep exercises will build triceps muscles fast than exercising on weight machines.This tutorial will teach you to perform tricep exercises with free weights like dumbbells and barbells without weight machines.You can perform these exercises either in a gym or at home.
Triceps Workout At Home With Dumbbells And Barbells
You can perform following exercises at home to get huge triceps muscles fast.Free weight triceps exercises are very effective if you perform them 2 times per week then you will see difference early because tricep muscles grows very fast if trained properly.So here is a home based triceps workout.
2/3 of Tricep Muscles + 1/3 of Bicep Muscles = Overall arm size
You can't neglect triceps exercises while training in a gym to get huge arms fast.Train your triceps atleast 2 times per week and mostly perform free weight triceps exercises including compound exercises.Compound tricep exercises will build triceps muscles fast than exercising on weight machines.This tutorial will teach you to perform tricep exercises with free weights like dumbbells and barbells without weight machines.You can perform these exercises either in a gym or at home.
Triceps Workout At Home With Dumbbells And Barbells
You can perform following exercises at home to get huge triceps muscles fast.Free weight triceps exercises are very effective if you perform them 2 times per week then you will see difference early because tricep muscles grows very fast if trained properly.So here is a home based triceps workout.
1.Two Handed Overhead Triceps Extension-Stand
up or you can perform this while sitting on a bench.Hold one dumbbell
with both hands behind your top of the head and slowly bend your arms
behind the head at right angles.Your biceps and triceps should be close
to your face and do not move them here and there otherwise triceps
exercises will not be effective and will injure your shoulder.If you
feel pain in any shoulder than you are doing this exercise in a wrong
2.One Arm Overhead Tricep Extension-This
exercise is similar to the above but in this we are only using one hand
instead of two.Rest the process is same as above.Hold a dumbbell with
one hand behind your head and keep your elbow at right angle.Raise the
dumbbell with one hand unless the arm become straight or fully extended
and slowly move it down.
3.Triceps Kickbacks-Put
your hand and one knee on a bench and hold a dumbbell with either
hand,the upper arm parallel to body.Slowly push the dumbbell back by
fully moving your elbow thus making it 180 degrees from 90 degrees and
slowly return.The arm should be straight.At the squeezing position hold
it for 2 seconds and return.
4.Bent Over One Arm Tricep Extension-Sit
down on a bench or a chair without back and bend yourself forward and
hold a dumbbell in either hand keep your elbow at 90 degrees with the
face facing your knee and then slowly raise the dumbbell until your arm
is parallel to the ground.
5.Triceps Skullcrushers-It
is a barbell triceps exercise.Lie down on floor/bench and hold a
barbell with both hands straight pointing towards the roof and then
start moving the barbell down until it become parallel to your forehead
thus making a right angle with elbow.Do not open widen the distance
between elbows otherwise it won't be much effective.Be careful about
forehead.You may injure your head if this exercise is not done properly.
6.Close Grip Push Ups-Close
grip push ups is the toughest of all and it heavily stresses your
tricep muscles because you have to push your arms at a little space.Keep
your hands close and the distance should be less than between
shoulders.Slowly push your body up and down.Be comfortable while
performing this exercise because it is difficult for beginners and put
too stress on your elbows.
7.Tricep Dips-This triceps
exercise uses your own body weight to develop tricep muscles.To perform
tricep dips put your hands on a bench behind your back and put your
legs on another chair and slowly bring your upper body down thus making
right angles with elbows.Keep your back close to the bench otherwise it
will hurt your shoulders.You can increase your intensity by putting
weights on your thighs.Do not keep your legs too straight bend them a
little bit.
These exercises include bodyweight
and free weights triceps exercises.These exercises are very effective
in building big triceps fast because we are using only dumbbells and our
own body weight to build muscle.You have to be consistent and
regular.Train your triceps atleast two times per week and have a good diet including protein,vitamins and little bit of fat to bulk up muscles.