
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson: Workout Routine & Diet Plan

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson: Workout Routine & Diet Plan

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From a professional wrestler, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has proven to be a total entertainer in the movie scene. After his casting in “The Mummy Returns” last 2001, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson became one of the favorites in the big screen. So, what sets him apart from all other actors in the movies? As his stage name says, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson definitely a solid rock when it comes to body and muscular form. This is why a lot of people are looking for the official Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson workout and diet plan.
The Rock started as a defensive tackle on the Miami Hurricane’s National Championship Team. After an injury, he got sidelined on field but had his training on a new career in wrestling. In 1996, he signed a WWF contract and became one of the most popular personalities on the ring. From a 260lb wrestler, many people were surprised in Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and his transformation in the recent movies GI Joe: Retaliation and Pain & Gain. How did he do it? The official Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson workout and diet plan has the answer.
The Rock Dwayne Jhonson

Dwayne Johnson Workout Routine:

Cutting His Body Fat In Half

Recognizing that Hollywood stars maintain a lean and athletic look, Johnson had to modify his workout and lose 25lbs in 4 months, getting down to 225lbs. The Rock workout routine focused on cutting body fat. He went from 14% to 7% body fat in this short amount of time. To help cut this weight, Johnson changed his workout to train each body part three times per week. Despite cutting back on cardio, this allowed him to burn that extra fat. In addition, Johnson’s training involved constantly changing his workout routine to avoid plateaus. He adjusted rest periods, the amount he lifted, the speed with which he lifted, and of course the number of sets and reps he performed.
The Rock & mark in Pain & Gain
Dwayne Johnson’s workout routine focused on a lot of cardio with resistance training, weights, and core training. He trained 6 days per week with Sunday as a rest day.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Chest, back, biceps, calves: 5 sets, 15-20 reps, 30 second rest periods
Cardio: 5 minute warm-up, 12 minutes high intensity, 5 minute cool down
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Quads, hamstrings, shoulders, triceps: 5 sets, 15-20 reps, 30 second rest periods
Cardio: 5 minute warm-up, 12 minutes high intensity, 5 minute cool down

Workout Routine

The Dwayne Johnson workout is continually evolving as he regularly tweaks it and tries new things. Typically, though, he likes to hit core muscle groups once a week and smaller muscles (biceps, triceps and calves) twice. For each set he starts with moderately high reps, about 15, and does less reps as he progresses to heavier weight. He performs a drop set on the last set of nearly every exercise. Rest periods are short (30-60 seconds) to preserve his conditioning. The following workout is a typical shoulder workout; it takes about 1 3⁄4 hours from start to finish.
The following routine and diet was listed by numerous sources :
Dwayne Johnson – Day 1 – Shoulders
1Seated Military Press Machine321 
2Dumbbell Lateral Raise super set with Dumbbell Front Raise38 
3Rear Delt Cable Raise512,10,8,6,4 
4Hammer Strength Shrug512,10,8,6,4 
5Four Way Neck Machine412 
Dwayne Johnson – Day 3 – Legs
1Leg Press425,20,18,16 
2Smith Machine Lunge48 
3Lying Leg Curl412,10,8,6 
4Standing Calf Raise616 
Dwayne Johnson – Day 4 – Arms
1Alternating Dumbbell Curl512, 10, 8, 6 , 4 
2Preacher Machine Curl612, 10, 8, 6, 21, 21 
3Cable Tricep Extension512, 10, 8, 6, 20 
4Overhead Cable Extension412, 10, 8, 20 
5One Arm Reverse Grip Tricep Extension215 
Dwayne Johnson – Day 5 – Chest
1Incline Dumbbell Press512, 10, 8, 6, 4 
2Dumbbell Bench Press512, 10, 8, 6, 4 
3Cable Crossover412 
4Push Ups415 

The Rock’s Diet Plan

The Rock diet plan
Here is what Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson usually eats everyday to maintain his form. His everyday meal consists of protein-rich foods along with carbohydrate and fiber food sources.
1- Egg Whites (10 servings), Rice (3 servings) or Oatmeal (1 cup), Water (24 oz)
2- Skinless Grilled Chicken Breast (6 oz), Grits (1 cup), Yams (6 oz), Steamed Asparagus (1 cup), Water (24 oz)
3- Water-packed Tuna (6 oz), Brown Rice(1 cup), Cucumber (1 slice), Water (24 oz)
4- Perch Fillet (6 oz), Barley (1 cup), Baked Potato (6 oz), Steamed Green Beans (1 cup), Water (24 oz)
5- Pork tenderloin (6 oz), Brown Rice (1 cup), Sweet Potato (6 oz), Peas (1 cup), Water (24 oz)
6- Egg Whites (10 servings), Cream of Rice (3 servings) or Oatmeal (1 serving), Water (24 oz)
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workout routine and diet plan: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson: Workout Routine & Diet Plan
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson: Workout Routine & Diet Plan
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson: Workout Routine & Diet Plan
workout routine and diet plan
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